Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Basic Computer Fundamentals

Introduction A  computer  is an electronic machine, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory, that can accept data, manipulate the data according to specified rules, produce results, and store the results for future use. Computers process data to create information. Data  is a collection of raw unprocessed facts, figures, and symbols. Information  is data that is organized, meaningful, and useful. To process data into information, a computer uses hardware and software. Hardware  is the electric, electronic, and mechanical equipment that makes up a computer.Software  is the series of instructions that tells the hardware how to perform tasks. Characteristics of Computers 1> Automatic: Requires human intervention to start any task, solve problem but once initiated, it continues the job until its completed. 2> Speed: in terms of microseconds (10 power -6), nanoseconds(10 power -9), and even picoseconds (10 power -12). A powerful computer is capable of performing several billions simple arithmetic operations per second. Limited by hardware and software resources. 3> Accuracy: garbage-in-garbage-out (GIGO).E. g. Human input error, programmer logic error. 4> Diligence: Unlike human beings, a computer is free from monotony, tiredness, and lack of concentration. 5> Versatility: Can perform multiple tasks at same time. Limited by hardware and software resources. 6> Power of Remembering: As long as user desires, it can store any amount and type of information. Limited by hardware and software resources. No IQ: Cannot make decisions until instructed. Cannot learn on its own. No Feelings: No emotions, no taste, no knowledge. Instructions are required. 1. Evolution of Computers Necessity is the mother of invention then who is the father? – Curiosity, Vision, Idea 1642: Pascal invented first mechanical adding machine 1671: Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz first calculator for multiplication 1880: Keyboards & Herman Hollerith u sed punch cards as input devices 19th century: Charles Babbage, father of modern digital computer, Differential Engine, Analytical Engine 1. The Mark I Computer (1937-44) 2. The Atanasoff-Berry Computer (1939-42) 3. The ENIAC (1943-46) 4. The EDVAC (1946-52 5. The EDSAC (1947-49) . The UNIVAC I (1951) 1. 3 Computer Generations Overview of the major developments and technologies during the five generations of computers which include both hardware and software that together make up a computer system. 1. 3. 1 First Generation (1942-1955): – Used vacuum tubes(glass), performed calculations in milliseconds -Memory electromagnetic relays, Data & Instructions using Punch Card, Assembly Language Programming Characteristics: Bulky in size, thousands of vacuum tubes, constant maintenance, costly, all circuits were man-made. . g. ENIAC, EDVAC, EDSAC, UNIVAC 1, and IBM 701 1. 3. 2 Second Generation (1955-1964): – Used transistor, Germanium semiconductor, magnetic disks and tapes, magnetic core memory – faster, small in size, low cost, consume less power – High level programming language like FORTRAN, COBOL, ALGOL, SNOBOL 1. 3. 3 Third Generation (1964-1975): -Integrated Circuits(IC) consists of transistors, resistors, capacitors, SSI(Small Scale Integration), MSI – more fast, performed one million instructions per second -low space, more reliable, less power consumption e. . Mini computers & Mainframe computers 1. 3. 4 Fourth Generation (1975-1989): – personal computer, IC- LSI, VLSI – one million electronic components on a single chip. Semiconductor memories – less power, more fast, small in size – Magnetic tapes, floppy disks, LAN, WAN, GUI, MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh 1. 3. 5 Fifth Generation (1989-Present): – VLSI & ULSI(Ultra Large Scale Integration) – Microprocessor chips: 10 millions electronic components Small, much faster, less power, portable, internet, www, email 1. 4 Block Diagram of C omputer 1. 4. 1 Input Unit: – Accept data & Instructions – Convert into digital form so that computer can accept and further processing can be done e. g. Mouse, Keyboard, Light Pen, Joystick, Scanner, Touch Screen 1. 4. 2 Storage Unit: The storage unit performs the following major functions: †¢ All data and instructions are stored here before and after processing. †¢ Intermediate results of processing are also stored here. > Primary Storage(Main Memory): – This memory is generally used to hold the program being currently executed in the computer, the data being received from the input unit, the intermediate and final results of the program. -Temporary in nature, i. e. volatile memory -fast and cost is high than secondary storage -e. g. Random Access Memory(RAM) 2> Secondary Storage/External Memory(Secondary Memory): – Long term/ permanent storage of data. -slow and cost is low than primary memory -e. g.Floppy Disk(FDD),Hard disk drive(HDD), Comp act Disk(CD), Digital Versatile/Video Disk, USB Drive, SDD 1. 4. 3 Memory size: -Digital Computer uses the Binary System i. e. 0's and 1's – Each character or a number is represented by an 8 bit code. -1 bit = either 0 or 1 – 4 bits= 1 nibble & 8 bits= 1 byte 1. 4. 4 Output Unit: – Any peripheral devices that converts the stored binary coded data into convenient external forms as texts, pictures, sound – e. g. Monitor, CD, Printer, Speaker, Head phones, plotter, projector 1. 4. 5 Arithmetic Logical Unit: All calculations(arithmetical +-x/ ), comparison(,=) and decisions – Whenever calculations are required, the control unit transfers the data from storage unit to ALU once the computations are done, the results are transferred to the storage unit by the control unit and then it is send to the output unit for displaying results. 1. 4. 6 Control Unit: -It controls all other units in the computer -The control unit instructs the input unit, where to sto re the data after receiving it from the user and how to output. It controls the flow of data and instructions:(fetching of instructions from main memory and subsequent execution of these instructions) 1. 4. 7 Central Processing Unit: The ALU and the CU of a computer system are jointly known as the central processing unit. You may call CPU as the brain of any computer system. – A PC may have CPU-IC such as Intel 8085, 8086, 8088, 80286, 80386, 80486, Celeron, Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium IV, Dual Core, Core 2 Duo, Quad Core and AMD etc. 1. 5 Summary:

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Electronics Art’s (EA) competitive advantage Essay

Electronics Art’s (EA) competitive advantage from the perspective of the industrial organization view (I/O) is their choice of industry is very attractive. According to The 2013 Global Games Market Report, game revenues will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.7% to $86.1 billion by 2016. The number of gamers worldwide will rise from 1.21 billion this year to 1.55 billion. Next, we’ll have a perspective of resource-based view (RBV). Before the ages of digital game , EA’s resource based view in the past was great. They are just concentrated in making More than 100 titles games such as Battlefield, Madden NFL, FIFA Soccer, Rock Band, Need for Speed, and The Simpsons. SNS contents like monthly fee, partial monetization, facebook and on line services like web games, various portal sites or distributed contents have captured more than 40% of the market. It is widespread across the console game market through out total game market. And it will be take huge market share. Zynga that saw this opportunities and jumped in on the burgeoning social gaming revolution is nipping at the industry’s heels. On the contrary, EA that saw this opportunities and jumped in on the burgeoning social gaming revolution is come to a halt. And they seemed to have all the resources needed when they had their competitive advantage but Electronics Arts did not prepare themselves for the changes in the behavior of consumers and retailers or trends which is now causing them to loose their competitive advantage. And the existing game of EA Is easy to emulate.  From these, we can have one conclusion. eventually, ea exemplifies the challenges of this industry, where customers are fickle and demanding and competition is intense. But after that, EA introduces digital platform and comes in second.

Monday, July 29, 2019

How is technology helping our understanding of future architectural Essay

How is technology helping our understanding of future architectural space throughout film representation and use of mixed realit - Essay Example Previously, architecture was restricted to the simple two dimensional representations of drawings. Through film media, it is possible to create realistic and fathomable representation of architectural visualizations. The architectural designs create new avenues of creative thinking by analyzing the potential of the film depictions and the possibility of implementing the ideas in the real world (Hiller, 1996). Representing the experience of space Architectural designs are invariably communicated through representation. The link between the architect’s ideas and their implementation is through the process of representation. Traditionally, the most pervasive mode of representation has been through drawing of sketches to showcase the features that the architect wishes to express. In the final stages of architectural design, representation is done by technical drawings. However, these traditional representation methods are limited since they cannot allow one to fully experience spa ce. Film has immense potential to add visual elements into architectural design. Through the use of film media, an architectural design can be experienced in an augmented reality (Aroztegui, 2010). It is possible to append the notion of motion into the representation of architectural design through film. ... Through the use of advanced computer graphics, architectural designs can be represented in films creatively to an extent that one feels to be transported to another space. By using a scripted narrative, film cultivates the concept of space in a compelling space. The interconnection of all senses during a film representation of architectural design makes experience of space to be near reality (Henzel & Menges, 2009). Also, space and body are closely related and they can be tied together through experience. Thus, film can bring futuristic architectural designs into perspective and help in the progress of architecture. Filming and architecture: Filming space and embodiment The core purpose of a film is to create compelling scenes that are as close to reality as possible to keep the audience captivated. The best films are those that immerse their audience in their narration and representation: so much that the audience feels to be actually transported to another place and time as depicte d in the film (Awan et al, 2009). For true appreciation, architecture has to be experienced in the perspective of reality so that the audience can relate to it. The eye is primarily the means by which people relate and experience space. Architectural designs in film are sculpted through a combination of visual and audio narration. The audience identifies with the film’s representation first through the gaze of the camera and seeing architectural objects from a vantage point. As the audience is captivated by this vision, they are bound to engage other senses into the narration. Evidently, the narration and representation in the film can trigger the imagination of the audience

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Business Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Letter - Essay Example Greenhouse gases like carbon monoxide are the main cause of global warming. This global warming is presently the greatest threat to our planet Earth. The per capita consumption of paper is high around the world. The Americans lead the pack with average per capita consumption of around 700 pounds per year. 42% of the world’s wood harvest is used by the paper industry. The paper industry is actually one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. It contributes more than 9% to the greenhouse gas emissions of the manufacturing industry. In a country like United States, the paper industry is the fourth largest emitter of greenhouse gases. Paper accounts for approximately 30% of all landfill waste. Paper accounts for one third of all municipal waste. Municipal waste accounts for more than 30% of emission of methane. Methane is three times more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Cutting down of paper use by even 10% would result in reduction of emission of greenhouse gases by many million tones. The increasing use of recycled paper has offered some respite from the environmentally adverse impact of using paper. However, the demand for recycled paper is expected to exceed the supply by 1.5 million tones of recycled paper by 2017. However, the use of recycled paper is minimal in the printing and writing paper industry. With the growth of emerging economies like Brazil, India, Russia and China, the demand for paper has increased even more. According to some studies the pulp and paper industry may be contributing more to the global and local environmental problem than most industries of the world. The manufacturing of paper requires cutting down of rich forests, pollution in waterways and destruction of natural habitat for many endangered wildlife species of the world. Besides this, paper mills also generate greenhouse gases and also some

Uses of Electron Microscope Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

Uses of Electron Microscope - Essay Example The light microscope was invented in the 17th century from the Galilean telescope. Antony van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutchman developed one of the early microscopes which consisted of a powerful convex lens and an adjustable holder for the object being studied. This instrument had a magnifying power of 400x and protozoa, spermatozoa, bacteria and shape of the red blood cells were discovered by Leeuwenhoek (FEI company, 2008). This microscope had only one lens and was called a single microscope. An improvement on this was compound microscope wherein another convex lens was added to magnify the image produced by the first lens. A modern light microscope has a magnification of as high as 1000x and thus enables resolution of objects separated by 0.0002mm (FEI Company, 2008). The resolving power of light microscope had 3 limiting factors: lenses, quality of lenses and the wavelength of light used for illumination. Some improvements in the light microscope were made using these aspects. Blue or ul traviolet light with shorter wavelength gave a small improvement. Further improvement in the resolution was noticed when the specimen and the front of the objective lens were immersed in a medium like oil with high refractive index (FEI Company, 2008). As early as the middle of 19th century, microscopists realized that structures less than half a micrometer could not be resolved with a light microscope. At the same time, researchers had hinted at the possibility of improvement in the resolution of the microscope using electrons rather than light. This is because accelerated electrons behave in a vacuum just like light, they travel in straight lines and have a wavelength which is about 100,000 times smaller than that of light.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Diversity Management, a New Organizational Paradigm for Equality Essay

Diversity Management, a New Organizational Paradigm for Equality Policy-Making - Essay Example According to the paper the different diversity can be categorized into two, the social allied and the individual allied. In the social diversity, it is further subdivided into what is referred to as the six strands of diversity, which includes; ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender, age, and religion. In the individual differences, they can be classified into the following castes; personality, lifestyle, appearance, work style and education. The equal opportunity tends to downplay the aspect of discrimination based on the diversity factor. It is hinged on the emphasis of equal treatment of the individuals regardless of their social groups. The equal opportunity aspect is anti-discrimination program intended to provide relative social justice in the process of individual selection. From this study it is clear that most of the human resource managers in organization today appreciates the need to embrace diversity in the human resource and they have realized that if taken po sitively, the diversity aspect can make an organization realize it goals in the most efficient and predictable way. The tolerance for counterparts in the work place is highly encouraged and any discrimination unfairly advanced to anybody be it on social or individual level is taken seriously sometimes to the legal redress. How Management of Diversity Has Contributed To Equal Opportunity The realization of the dangers of discrimination based on diversity led to the consideration of what is referred to as Equal Opportunity. In the equal opportunity aspect, politics have gotten into it and there are several schools of thoughts, other arguing that it is like a baskets of fruits -this it to mean that even though there is equal treatment and opportunity for all, individual differences can still be recognized and be used in their reference. The other school of thought is that equal opportunity is like a melting pot, it assumes that under equal opportunity there is no recognizable differenc e among those to be considered. In this regard, the neo classical and the sociological approaches of understanding equal opportunities are interchangeably used to satisfy certain selection criterion. The union of trade organization has addressed the issues, laws have been enacted in the legislative assemblies, and the issue of equal opportunity has become not just a matter of benevolence but also that o procedural way of going about things. Acts of parliaments have been adopted and violations of the acts by anybody in the employment area will be liable for the charges of demonstrating discriminatory tendencies of a given nature.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Case study - Essay Example Then came the contributions of Lee Gordon along with other famous American idols such as Jerry Lee Lewis, Eddie Cochrane, and Gene Vincent whose musical styles helped lay foundations to the pop culture of rock & roll in the country (Jitterbug, 2009). By the start of a new decade in the 60s, a significant number of the youth population in Australia were engrossed about the American ‘Rock and Roll’ which started hitting their airwaves also through artists like Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, and Bill Haley and His Comets who inspired the Australians to initiate modern popular music recordings (Creswell & Fabinyi, 1999). As one product of this shared genre, Johnny O’Keefe became the first Australian rock star to have notched the first in the charts. Australians further gained appreciation of the ‘Twist’ and the ‘Stomp’ fads, the latter being based on American surf culture and about this time, 'The Beach Boys' earned wider acclaim on touring Aussie populace. Out of this influence emerged the surf rock band Billy Thorpe and the Aztecs. ‘The Beach Craze’ likewise was drawing Australian teenagers to consider spark for surfing and this new heap idea did make it to a trend among the youth at the time who looked up to Midget Farrelly after winning the Surfing World Championships at Bondi aside from the relevant music of ‘The Beach Boys’ and Little Pattie (Batstone & Pyne) which all the more enhanced the ‘Stomp’ fad era. The presence of Bob Dylan and Elvis Presley in the scene of pop culture and world tour served as another blast of sensation for Australian followers of the enduring American ‘Rock and Roll’. Because the American craft with music as such truly bore heights of motivation for the Australians to establish their own identity with rock & roll, the level of enthusiasm rose up in quest of individuals with the right set of potentials. Besides Johnny O'Keefe and Billy Thorpe and the Aztecs, Jimmy Little also managed to have gone the same way, becoming known with ‘Royal Telephone’ (Creswell & Fabinyi, 1999) and these Australian artists obviously adhered or at least exhibited significant inclination to American themes as reflected in the contents of their songs and general outfit thereof. Invasion of Australian culture by the British, in the similar manner, amounted to an equivalent degree of reception marveling at ‘The Beatles’ which essentially made Australians begin weighing options in the market where British and American alternatives coexisted. Billy Thorpe and the Aztecs dominated the Australian Top Ten charts with the Beatles. British acts had turned out to be more influential over the American acts in the long run especially upon the arrival of ‘The Rolling Stones’ to the sellout crowds and such events with the British idols marked the reception of Britain's prevailing ‘Mod’ fad during the mid-1 960s in major cities as Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth (Creswell & Fabinyi, 1999). ‘Beatlemania’ obtained enormous fanaticism of hundreds of thousands while several other bands from Liverpool like the ‘Merseyside’ (Batstone & Pyne) also made quite a remarkable impression to still numbers after numbers. As another consequence, Australian rock & roll group AC/DC was formed in 1967 through Malcolm and Angus who obtained production support from their guitarist brother, George Young of ‘The Easybeats’ whose pop song ‘

Thursday, July 25, 2019

History of the Cherokee Indians Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History of the Cherokee Indians - Essay Example Unlike other Native American tribes, Cherokees built cabins out of woods rather than living in teepees. Their language derives from the language of another Native American ethnic group, namely, the Iroquois. This language was so strikingly different from the languages of other Native American tribes that it made some linguists assume the very name of Cherokee means "people who speak another language". Cherokees have always been a highly spiritual tribe with unique traditions and values. An owl and cougar could be called a cultural archetype of the Cherokee Indians. Cherokees treat these animals with particular respect as they believe an owl and cougar were the only creatures that had been staying awake for seven days during which the world was created and, hence, saw how humans were made. Today Cherokee Indians are divided into many subtribes but under the official federal classification they fall into the following acknowledged categories: the Cherokee Nation, the Keetoowah Band (reside in Oklahoma), the Cherokee tribes and the Eastern Band of Cherokees residing in North Carolina (Hodge).Before the USA appeared on map, the Cherokee Indians used to live on the territory of the present-day Georgia, parts of Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina (Stewart 9). Originally, Cherokee tribes lived in the Midwest of the lands that later formed the USA near the Great Lakes, but with the passage of time they drifted closer to the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, which, in turn, they were forced to leave either.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Measures to avoid the collapse of Jarvis construction Essay

Measures to avoid the collapse of Jarvis construction - Essay Example Jarvis Construction Company could have avoided collapse by ensuring an intensive analysis of the environment prior to formulating strategies. This should have been followed by a clear plan of implementation to ensure the mission of the construction firm remains on track (Adamson and Pollington, 23). Organizational strategic management demands that a company must remain in control of its strategies of operations. Jarvis construction lacked extensive external analysis in the United Kingdom construction industry. This caused the management to squander the opportunities available within the construction market. The conflict between price water house coopers and Jarvis was an early indicator of strategic collapse of weakening. The management of the company failed to appreciate the fact that strategies are not always implemented exactly as planned (Radosavljevic and Bennett, 19). Strategic organizational management in the construction industry demands flexibility depending on the market pr essures and the need to retain competitive advantage. The unforeseen environmental events affected the performance of the company adversely (Adamson and Pollington, 23). This could have been avoided by appreciating the gap between the strategies which are intended and those realised. The invariable changes in the course of implementation lead to profit warnings and inevitable losses. The management needed to have a constant strategic action with is dynamic and responsive to market pressures. The management of Jarvis Company could have invested in skilled and analytical thinkers. The training of personnel capable to digesting data and bring out the desired direction. The first change in the construction and the rising competition was not addressed in time. The failure of the company to adapt to the environmental influences has a profound effect on the firm (Radosavljevic and Bennett, 19). The management of the company needed to utilize industrial organization to ensure that the indus try maximized its competencies and resources (Adamson and Pollington, 23). This would have course Jarvis Construction Company to influence the strategies of the rival companies or even alter the industrial structure in the United Kingdom. An analysis of the operations shows that Jarvis Construction Company lacked a distinctive competence despite the strong reputation and decades of experience, the construction giant succumbed to the gradual market pressure which can be attributed to lack of operating strategy. The value of the company continued to fall (Radosavljevic and Bennett, 19). The management of Jarvis Construction Company failed to enhance its tangible and intangible assets. These included information, equipment, capital and knowledge. The management of the Jarvis admitted failure in delivery of quality services of London-Glasgow express. This could have been avoided by ensuring that the operational strategy is run effectively and effectively. The risk management strategy of the company needed to be reinvented to address the current threats to within the construction industry (Adamson and Pollington, 23). This is evidenced the results of the Potters Bar crash in Hertfordshire in 2002. The company needed to invest in sustained competitive advantage through excellence in service delivery. Systematic and comprehensive financial strategies could have been used to ensure the company avoided a financial meltdown. The financial advisers of Jarvis Construction Company should have helped the company to capitalize of the favorable market situations. Overreliance of a single client posed directly threats to the financial stability of the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness Research Paper

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness - Research Paper Example The manufacturing plant is located in Richmond; in the Virginia State. This is the biggest plant ever built in the tobacco industry. Marlboro is well known for its adverts by use of the Marlboro man (Erin & Jack, 2003). Impact of Globalization and Technological Changes on Marlboro Globalization in this scenario is the process of improving the interactivity of the social, political interdependence, cultural, financial economic and incorporation of markets that are triggered by development of technologies in the communication and transport sector at the same time liberalizing trade. Globalization together with unparalleled change in technology has led to a weakening of the borders from the States control (Michael, Duane & Robert, 2008). There is an increase in the volume of cigar and money at an alarming rate which kills the tobacco industry. Fake tobacco products are smuggled into the State by organized criminals. There are various networks of companies, people and groups who evade ta xes and royalties to bring in fake cigarettes which look similar to the genuine products. As a result they trade like any other company’s products hence killing the revenue collected by the company. The products sold by these smugglers cost much lower than the genuine products. With globalization and technological change the products can be designed in away, that one cannot differentiate them genuine products. The taxes can be avoided easily with fake documentation which can pass for the real documents. Application of the industrial organization model and resource based model by Marlboro firm to earn above average returns can be done in various ways. First, with the application of the industrial organization model, Marlboro firm can make use of alliances with other cigarettes manufactures to form an association like a cartel. Since the organized cooperate more with other close competitors in the tobacco industry, this will reduce the probability of the collaboration to lift t he revenues of the firm. Moreover, the firm can also make good use of its resource based model by differentiating their products and making it known to the customers about the genuine products and how to separate from the fake products. All it takes are the internal resources by the company to implement strategies that can easily reduce cases of smuggling. In addition, the government regulatory controls can be partnered with, by the company by having agents or inspectors who are able to draw a clear line between fake and genuine products. There are various procedures that can be taken by Marlboro firm in reducing the negative impact of globalization and technological improvement to increase returns on their products. First and foremost, analyzing the external environment is very crucial in identifying the potential threats and how to override them. Second, the firm must distribute its products by reliable distributors who are not likely to imitate or sell the products to competitors for imitation (Erin & Jack, 2003). Third, every firm has its own strength and opportunities, Marlboro can make good use of its lifetime existence in the market to identify tactics that are appropriate in attracting in good returns. This can be done by employing skilled labor from technological sector to help in branding their products in a manner that competitors cannot copy them. The Effect of Marlboro’s Vision and Mission Statement on Their Success The main aim a mission statement is to draw to attention

Monday, July 22, 2019

The direction Germanys Foreign Policy took between 1871 and 1890 Essay Example for Free

The direction Germanys Foreign Policy took between 1871 and 1890 Essay To what extent was Bismarck in control of the direction Germanys Foreign Policy took between 1871 and 1890? To this very day Otto Von Bismarck remains one of the most significant political figureheads of modern Germany. This stature derives from his contribution to the creation and shaping of the modern German state as Prussian minister president and imperial chancellor from 1862 to 1890. Until his resignation in 1890, Bismarck had a relatively freehand in conducting foreign policy. After three successful wars, he saw his task as promoting peace and gaining time so that the powerful German Empire would come to be accepted as natural. Bismarcks two areas of concern were the Balkans, where the disintegration of the Turkish empire could easily lead to conflict between the Habsburg monarchy and Russia, and France, where the desire to avenge the defeat at Sedan was strong. In each area a general European conflagration could flare up and involve Germany. In the following I am going to investigate the extent of which Bismarck was in control of Germanys Foreign Policy between 1871 and 1890. In the two decades proceeding the unification of Germany Bismarck was the dominant statesman of Europe, controlling the policy of Germany, settling disputes between other countries, and entangling all of Europe into a complex web of alliances and understandings, all of which were intended to preserve peace in Europe. If Germany made a foolish decision, this could ensue the disintegration of the whole system. In order to understand how the system created by Bismarck was dependant on Germany it is necessary to examine the predicament each power was in. The powers can be divided into two different classes: the satiated powers, Germany and Britain who were happy with the status quo; and the malcontent powers, France, Russia and Austria-Hungary, which still had interest in European expansion In my opinion, one man cannot control the course of one nations history, although there can be no disputing that Bismarck was a wonderfully skilled and talented politician, I feel he acted to situations as they arose, rather than orchestrating events. Therefore I perceive Bismarck as an interventionist rather than an intentionalist. It is possible to conclude that if a European conflict were to develop, it would occur in one of two places. The first possibility was a conflict between France and Germany over the annexation of Alsace-Lorraine on the Rhine; the second would be a conflict involving either Austria or Britain against Russia in the Balkans. One argument to imply that Bismarck was in full control of the direction of German Foreign Policy between 1871 and 1890 was his radical change of policy. In the decade preceding the Unification, Germany was involved in three wars, which Bismarck had instigated, in order to achieve the United Germany. For the rest of Bismarcks career Germany remained at peace (Lee, Stephen one of the leading historians of European history, he presents both arguments on my debate, therefore he is a reliable historian to quote). Bismarck wanted to focus on maintaining the unified Germany as it was. This is very clear and accurate as for twenty years, following the Unification; Germany was never at war. One possibility where a European Conflict could occur was between France and Germany on the Rhine. It could be argued that Bismarck was fully in control of this situation and that the isolation of France was due to Bismarcks careful planning. It may be suggested that Bismarck premeditated that France would eventually seek revenge for their defeat in the Franco-Prussian War. Bismarck was not afraid of France alone, but he wanted to ensure that France would not align herself with Russia or Austria; therefore he set about isolating France through a series of complex and intricate treaties. The first of Bismarcks complex web of alliance was the Dreikaiserbund (1872), also known as the League of the Three Emperors (1872). Bismarcks aim for forming this League was to isolate France by expanding relations with Austria and Russia. The partners were Kaiser William I of Germany, Tsar Alexander II of Russia and Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria. These three rulers agreed to maintain the existin g territorial arrangements in Europe; to resist the spread of revolutionary (e.g. socialist) movements; and to consult one another if any international difficulties arose. France was deviously being diplomatically isolated. This understanding, strengthened Germanys position in Europe and helped to maintain the Status Quo. A further strategy of Bismarcks in the isolation of France was how Bismarck had tactfully encouraged France to expand overseas in the hope of diverting her attention away from Alsace-Lorraine. French annexation of Tunis in northern Africa in 1881 alienated Italy. Italy was thus driven into Bismarcks camp in anger. Therefore Italy joined The Triple Alliance of 1882. The terms of the alliance if Italy or Germany were attacked by France, each would aid the other; if Austria was attacked by Russia, Italy would remain neutral, although Austria would aid Italy if she was attacked by France; if one of the parties was attacked by two or more powers, the other signatories were to come to her aid; and at Italys request, both Austria and Germany agreed that in no case would the Treaty operate against Britain. Consequently, by this time, a powerful bloc had been formed in central Europe. Germany was now guaranteed against Russia by Austria, and against France by Italy. Bismarck had successfully kept the friendship of Russia, Austria and Italy and kept France completely isolated. He was indeed a skilful diplomat who was able to handle the European powers for Germanys advantage. Moreover, following these alliances, Bismarck formed the Reinsurance Treaty (1887) with Russia. This Treaty on its face did not do much. Both Russia and Germany promised to remain neutral in case the other was involved in a war with a great power, except for a Russian attack on Austria, or a German one on France. Since there were the only two possible conflicts, it seems the treaty might be useless. This, however, is not true. As Bismarck explained, Our relations with Russia depend exclusively on the personal feeling of the Tsar Alexander III, and such a treaty brought Germany up a notch in the Tsars eyes. Thus the Treaty led to better Russo-German understanding, and at least temporarily lowered the chance of a Russo-French alliance. The complicated set of treaties and alliances show Bismarck to be in control and carefully planning for all eventualities. James Joll supports this view; Bismarck needed to ensure that France remained isolated and thus unable to think in terms of revenge for 1870 and of war for the recovery of Alsace Lorraine. On the other hand, a case can be constructed to argue that Bismarck was not in full control, that he was a revisionist, reacting to events as they arose, this is obvious in the instance of Bismarcks policy of French isolation. According to D. Richards, Bismarck was willing to run the risk of alienating French feeling because, Firstly. France would take many years to recover from the Franco-Prussian war. Secondly. he could use the bogey of a French war of revenge to make the Reichstag maintain a high level of German armaments. And. Thirdly. his diplomatic genius could keep France isolated. But the first of these assumptions was grossly misplaced, showing Bismarcks naivety. The French recovery was faster that Bismarck had anticipated. The indemnity was paid off by 1873 and they rebuilt their army. The popular French press began to demand the return of Alsace Lorraine. During 1874 and 1875 the French increased their regiment sizes by approximately thirty-five per cent and ordered an extension of the cavalry and armaments division. Bismarck made a further blunder, believing that the French establishing an overtly democratic Republic would frighten off Russia and Britain, Bismarck demanded an increase in the army budget from the Reichstag. This led to the German press commenting on a war in sight crisis. Moreover, Britain and Russia pledged their allegiance to France if Germany declared war. From this it appears as if Bismarck lived in the moment and responded to its challenge (Taylor, again Taylor is another leading historian on this topic and is a reliable source). He reacted to problems as they manifested rather than avoiding them. Also, from this it seems as though, Bismarck caused many of the problems. Perhaps the most important argument supporting the intentionalist viewpoint is Bismarcks role as the honest broker at the Congress of Berlin in 1878, he was more interested in European peace than German Empire building. Bismarck can clearly been seen as one of the strongest proponents of peace in the Eastern Crisis of 1877, this is apparent, even before the crisis. Bismarck understood that there was a European Conflict, just waiting to happen in the Balkans. He saw that Russia, occupying the majority of Europes eastern flank, her interests lay in the expansion of her power in the Balkans, with her ultimate goal being the straits and Tsarograd. Bismarck construed that Austria-Hungary was the opposition to Russian expansion, as it had been expanding in that direction since 1866. Russia was the more powerful state, and Austria would need Germanys backing to defeat it. However, Russia feared a recreation of the Crimean Alliance, if she was to move to close to the Straits. To control the problem, in 1876, Bismarck proposed a solution, he suggested that Britain take Egypt and the Suez, Austria take Bosnia, while the Russians take Bulgaria, which left a much weakened Turkey to occupy the Straits, removing one of the sore spots of Europe off the map (Langer). Bismarck saw that the Balkans was the most likely place for a major conflict to occur and had reduced the chances of this. Despite, Bismarcks earlier attempts a crisis in the east developed when Russia was quick to react to the plight of the Slavs when Turkey attempted to quench an uprising in Bulgaria. Britain was not as antagonistic to Russian expansion as it had been previously. British public opinion moved to the Turkish side, after the tiny fortress of Plevna held out against Russian assaults for five months. Moreover the Treaty of San Stefano lay counter to 1877 accords signed with Austria, and was also highly offensive to Britain, since it gave Bulgaria, and via Bulgaria to Russia access to the Mediterranean. The decision of the powers was that the eastern question was to be decided at a Congress of Berlin, with the German chancellor acting as honest broker. Under the Congress, and Bismarcks advising the newly created Bulgaria was split into three parts: Bulgaria, Rumelia and Macedonia. Macedonia stayed under Turkish control. Rumelia was to be administered by Turkey, but Turkish troops never reoccupied the province. Bulgaria was to be set up as an independent state, but in reality was to be a Russian puppet. Austria was allowed to occupy, though not to annex Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bismarck was extremely important to a peaceful settlement of the crisis. Even before the crisis, Bismarck was approached by Russia, asking if Germany would remain neutral in case of an Austro-Russian war. Bismarcks response was very similar to all his responses to this question throughout his rule: we could endure that our friends should lose or win battles against each other, but not that one of the two should be so severely wounded and injured that its position as an independent Great Power would be endangered. Bismarck knew that he needed Russia to protect its northern border and Austria to secure its western border. He was unwilling to choose between Russia and Austria, since he needed both countries to counterbalance each other, the weakening of either one meant greater German dependency on the other. The reasons that Bismarck wanted peace were completely in line with Realpolitik: he wanted peace because peace and the status quo were favorable to Germany. The Eastern crisis demonstrates Bismarcks genius as a politician, planning and manipulating situations to his advantage, in order to maintain the status quo. However, an argument could be composed from a revisionist viewpoint, William Carr suggests, The truth is that he acted once again on the spur of the moments to deal with an emergency situation-largely of his own making. This is demonstrated with his involvement in the Eastern Crisis. The first instance is shown with his dealing of the Balkan problem in1876. A solution he proposed that the British seize control of Egypt and the Suez; Austria takes Bosnia, Russia controls Bulgaria, leaving a weak Turkey to occupy the Straits. Bismarck, of his own accord, admitted that this was a picture of his fancy, rather than an immediate practicable solution. Hereafter Bismarck reveals his ignorance of world affairs. Moreover Taylor writes, the days of European upheaval were over; they would not come again until one of the powers felt itself strong enough to challenge the balance which had been established at the congress of Berlin. This suggests that a conflict may never have actually erupted, since Germany was the most powerful state in Europe, it would also be the deciding force in any European war. Going to war against it would be foolish unless the opposing coalition had one more great power than the coalition, which was supported by Germany. Thus, Bismarcks involvement was meaningless and actually could have disrupted the status quo. Perhaps the most important argument supporting the intentionalist view is Bismarcks control of the Austro-Russian friendship and that of Germany, and the Alliance System, he employed to maintain their relationship. According to Langer, No other statesman of standing had ever before shown the same great moderation and sound political sense of the possible and the desirable, this can clearly be justified. There were five main understandings and alliances, which were established during the two decades, following the Unification of Germany, by Bismarck to obtain peace within Europe, and fundamentally between Austria and Russia. The first of which was in 1873 when he created a set of treaties between Austria, Russia and Germany, which created the Three Emperors League (Dreikaiserbund) Although the Dreikaiserbund was not an official treaty of alliance, it was an agreement by the three leaders to maintain a close association so that, the maintenance of the peace of Europe be secured, and if necessary defended from every quarter (Gordon Craig, is again an expert in this field and his book Germany 1866-1945, is critically acclaimed and an extremely reliable source). The pact pronounced a step forward in the preservation of peace, if only through the very fact that the agreement was signed. It marked a rapprochement both between Germany and Austria-Hungary, Austria-Hungary and Russia, moreover between Germany and Russia. The dà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½tente between Austria and Russia was extremely important to preserving the peace in the Balkans, because they had to agree on compromises over influence and maintenance of the ba lance of power to avoid war. The initiation of dialogue, between the two countries, although informal, was a huge step forward. Moreover the reaffirmed friendship between Austria and Germany was a sign that the tension between the two, over Germanys defeat of Austria in 1866, had eased. Although the pact was unofficial, it sent a message to France that the conservative eastern block had been rebuilt. Thus the Dreikaiserbund, indirectly, reduced the threat of war on two fronts, on the Rhineland and in the Balkans. The second instance where Bismarck created an alliance to maintain peace between Austria, Russia and Germany herself, was the Dual Alliance. This was an agreement by Germany and Austria in which either power would assist the other in attacked by Russia, and would stay neutral in case of an attack by any other power. An argument may suggest that Bismarck implemented this alliance in order to diplomatically isolate France. This caused the Russians to seek an alliance with Germany, as they needed Germanys backing for their expansion in the Balkans. Bismarck, however, was more interested in a three party agreement, since it was the only system offering the maximum of stability for the peace of Europe (Langer, A leading authority in the field of diplomatic history, wrote extensively on the diplomatic climate preceding World Wars I and II. His work includes, European Alliances and Alignments). Although Russia was not directly interested in an alliance with Austria, it had to conclude one in order to get German support in the Balkans. Bismarck intentionally manipulated Russia into seeking an alliance with Germany, which led to the Second Dreikaiserbund in 1881. In this instance, again supporting the intentionalist argument, Russia, Austria-Hungary and Germany agreed that if any of the signatories found itself at war with a fourth power (except Turkey), the other two promised to remain neutral, thus destroying any likelihood of France finding any allies for a revenge war with Germany. Furthermore Bismarck tactically removed tension between Russia and Austria and, according to Rich, provided a foothold for negotiations between them in the event of a crisis. Bismarck had found two allies in Russia and Austria and had isolated France, by planning and maneuvering events to his advantage. Preceding this Bismarck created the Triple Alliance, between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. This again demonstrates the intentionalist argument, where Bismarck anticipated that Russia and France might still have formed an agreement; he extended the Dual Alliance to Italy. His reasoning for this was that Germany should always seek to be part of a larger combination, when there are five [powers], try to be a trois. Moreover a purpose of this alliance was to reduce the likelihood of Italy going to war against Austria in a general conflict. As Bismarck put it, he would be happy if one Italian corporal with the Italian flag and a drummer at his side should take the field on the western front, and not on the eastern front. The alliance provided the support of Italy or Germany in case of a French attack, support in case of an attack by two great powers on any of the signatories, and neutrality in case one of the powers was threatened and forced to make war, respectively. Thus the alliance created a situation where no power could attack any other power without having all of Europe against it. Bismarck had reduced the chances of waging war successfully, and therefore the chances of war in general fell. The intentionalist case is supported further, since after the bond between Austria and Russia, which Bismarck had built, was disrupted by the Bulgarian Crisis of 1885 and posed the threat of Russias gravitation towards France, he formed The Reinsurance Treaty of 1887, in strict secrecy. This guaranteed that Russia would remain neutral in the event of any war between Germany and France, provided that France was the aggressor. Ultimately, Bismarck had carefully and systematically crafted a system of alliances and agreements, which if properly used and maintained would keep Europe at peace. The alternative argument is that Bismarck simply reacted to events, with no clear structure and certainly with no overall scheme, in an attempt to maintain relations with and between Russia and Austria. It is argued that the other powers provided him with his opportunities, all he had to do is manipulate these at short notice (lee). This case is strongly supported by A.J.P. Taylor, who maintained that Bismarck lived in the moment and responded to its challenge. An argument for a more careless and impulsive Bismarck it may be compiled, although the Dreikaiserbund did reduce the risk of war with France by creating and allegiance between Germany and Russia, it was in fact Tsar Alexander II who suggested Russias membership, Bismarck merely accepted the opportunity (Lee). Following the Balkan Crisis, as Taylor argues, Bismarck rushed into the Dual Alliance with Austria and he was manipulated to such an extent, he was forced to say to the Austrian Foreign Minister, Andrassy, If you will no accept my terms, then I am forced to accept yours. After his initial carelessness Bismarck attempted to compensate by renewing the Dreikaiserbund in 1881, attempting to prevent his mistake that if a war between Russia and Austria occurred, Germany would be on the side of Austria. Also he tried to compensate by forming the Triple alliance, to prevent Italy from attacking Austria and to help in any war between Germany and France. After the Bulgarian Crisis of 1885, which threatened Bismarcks hasty arrangements, Bismarck created the secret Reinsurance Treaty, which so easily could have ruined the Dual Alliance, which is why his successors failed to renew it. Bismarck had created a web of alliances and agreements on the spur of the moments, that was so intertwined and complex that the next Chancellor, Caprivi, found that the system was already on the verge of collapse. Malcolm Pasely goes as far as to suggest that the alliances themselves would never be successful because they were too weak, The new structure was fragile, suggesting how the Triple Alliance was inferior and could easily collapses, as it did after the Bulgarian Crisis of 1885. Another point, indicating that Bismarck was not in control of Germanys foreign policy, is how during this time of elevated discussion and activity between Germany and the rest of Europe, Bismarck failed to involve Britain, who at the time was the most powerful nation in the world. At this time Britain had interests connected with the continent, the main one being the preservation of Turkey in order to prevent Russian control of the Dardannelles and Bosphorus. Most of the British interests lay in her numerous colonies, and an absence of a strong army kept Britain from actively participating in continental affairs. Her fleet, however, remained a threat to any power with maritime interests. Thus she was able to bully Russians into staying away from the straits, lest Britain recreate the Crimean alliance, or even attack Russia itself. In failing to concern Britain, Bismarck was unsuccessful in forming an ally against Russia On the other hand, it could be argued that Bismarck had no reason to involve Britain, as she was one of the two satiated powers and was interested in maintaining the status quo. Moreover Britain was an island, and was in a stage of isolationism. Involving Britain may have upset the Status Quo and resulted in further complications. Both arguments are extremely strong, and it is very hard to decide which is the stronger. Andrew Bonar Law said that, There is no such thing as an inevitable war. If war comes it will be from a failure of human wisdom, I believe that Bismarck engineered Germany to maintain peace within Europe. However, whether Bismarck was in control of the bearing that Germanys foreign politics took between 1870 and 1890 is debatable and I perpetuate that Bismarck was an interventionist, rather than an intentionalist. He maneuvered and manipulated events as they happened, rather than foreseeing and planning for the events that arose. This is explanatory by the state of foreign affairs that Caprivi inherited, which ultimately led to the First World War. The Reinsurance Treaty that Bismarck had forged with Tsar Alexander II was a secret Treaty that Caprivi thought was too risky and could have easily wrecked the Dual Alliance. He failed to resign the Treaty, therefore relations between Germany and Russia disintegrated and Russia began to gravitate toward France. Thus Bismarcks perplexed and somewhat confusing web of Treaties and Alliances, which were in a precarious position, became untangled, and hence World War One erupted. Therefore it is possible to argue that, although Bismarck managed to keep the newly United Germany at peace, what Law suggests is true of Bismarck, that in fact it was through Bismarcks failure of human wisdom that the First World war occurred.

Healthcare management capstone by nikita brown Essay Example for Free

Healthcare management capstone by nikita brown Essay Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday, and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time. Administrators must continuously seek opportunities to increase the profitability of their practice or facility. Throughout this course, you will develop a plan to integrate a current and emerging trend in health care in your organization. Your Executive Summary to integrate a current or emerging solution into your organization will include the following: †¢Week 1: Topic Research/Selection and Literature Review †¢Week 2: Organizational Assessment †¢Week 3: Project Plan †¢Week 4: Implementation Plan †¢Week 5: Evaluation Plan Week 1: Topic Research/Selection and Literature Review Part 1: Topic Research and Selection Begin this process by researching what health care organizations are doing or attempting to do to increase profitability. Remember, profitability can be improved from many different angles. A nonexclusive list of potential ways would be adding additional services, decreasing costs, increasing the amount of services that are provided, or implementing a quality improvement program that qualifies for incentive monies. Check trade journals or professional discussion boards, or reach out to existing health care managers. Part 2: Literature Review Perform a literature review of the solution that you have decided to apply to your organization. The review will encompass several articles, and at least 1 of the articles must be peer-reviewed. Look at current material (within the last 2 years). Remember, a literature review includes a summary of the information that you found that is relevant to your topic as well as an APA reference for each resource that you reviewed. Identifying what topic to perform research on should be accomplished quickly because you will need sufficient time to perform your literature review. Review a minimum of 10 documents. The review should be between 10–15 pages, including the bibliography. Use APA format.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Effect of Artesunate on HT-29-AK Cancer Cells

Effect of Artesunate on HT-29-AK Cancer Cells Effect of Artesunate on HT-29-AK Cancer Cells, and its Therapeutic Implications Cancer Biology Coursework II The possible cytotoxic effect of Artesunate on the survival factors and the concentration of HT-29-AK cells over different incubation periods and its therapeutic implications. The possible cytotoxic effect of Artesunate on the survival factors and the concentration of HT-29-AK cells over different incubation periods and its therapeutic implications. Background: HT-29-AK are cancer cells, Artesunate is an antimalarial compound which could possibly be used as an anti-tumour agent. The present study attempts to confirm the incubation period most effective in decreasing the concentration of HT-29-AK cancer cells. Aim/Hypothesis: This experiment tests the effect of Artesunate on the E-Cadherin mRNA expression, VEGF-alpha and beta mRNA expression, Survivin and on caspase-3 expression. Methods: 96 well plates were used and HT-29-AK cells were incubated at different concentrations over different time periods to examine the effective concentration and incubation period. The E-Cadherin mRNA expression was measured using immunocytochemistry and the Survivin and VEGF-alpha and beta mRNA levels were also measured using methods such as qPCR and ELISA. Results: We could show that at lower concentrations and a 72 hour incubation period Artesunate killed HT-29-AK cells, and decreased E-Cadherin and VEGF-alpha and beta levels. Levels. Conclusion: The results allude to the cytotoxic effect of Artesunate and lower concentrations for 72 hour incubation periods and its effect on HT-29-AK cells with potential clinical applications. Figure 1 shows the concentration of ART on the X-axis and the percentage of control growth on the Y axis, this graph is aimed to show the effect of ART on HT-29-AK cells over varying periods of time. As the incubation time period increases the drug is becoming more cytotoxic, if the cells are incubated with the drug for longer, a lower concentration is required. The pharmacological index is 72hr>48hr>24hr, the IC50 is the concentration at which the cells need to be incubated to kill half the number of cells: 24hrs: incubating the cells over of 24 hours leads to an IC50 of 165Â µM, this alludes to the requirement for higher concentration over shorter incubation periods. The Concentration required is 100.39Â µM more than if the cells were incubated for 48hours and 150.56 Â µM more if the cells were incubated for 72 hours. 48hrs: incubating the cells over of 48 hours leads to an IC50 of 64.61Â µM, the concentration required to kill half the number of HT-29-AK cells is 100.39Â µM less if the cells were incubated for 48 hours instead of 24 hours, however the concentration required to kill half the number of cells is 50.17Â µM more than if the cells were incubated for 72 hours instead of 48 hours. 72hrs: incubating the cells over of 72 hours leads to an IC50 of 14.44Â µM, the concentration required to kill half the number of cells over 72 hours is 150.56Â µM less than incubation for 24hours, and 50.17Â µM less than incubation for 48 hours. Figure A and B shows the relative E-cadherin mRNA levels at different ART concentration incubated at 24 hours(Left) and 72 hours(right). Relative E-Cad mRNA levels at 24 hours Control: The control showed a relative E-Cad mRNA level of 1, at a concentration of 82.53Â µM The concentration at 82.53Â µM showed a relative E-cad mRNA level of approximately 1.1, this relative expression is 0.1 more than the controls relative expression, the relative expression of E-cad mRNA levels at 82.53Â µM was 0.9 less than the relative expression of E-Cad mRNA at 165.06Â µM and 1.8 less than the relative expression of E-cad mRNA at 330.12Â µM. The concentration at 165.06Â µM, showed a relative E-cad mRNA level of approximately 1.9, which was 0.8 more than the expression at 82.53Â µM and 1.0 less than the expression at 330.12 Â µM. the concentration at 330.12Â µM, showed a relative E-cad mRNA level of approximately 2.9, an increase of 1.8 is observed compared to the ART concentration of 82.53Â µM and an increase of 1.0 is observed compared to the ART concentration of 165.06Â µM. Relative E-Cad mRNA levels at 72 hours Control: The control showed a relative E-Cad mRNA level of 1, at a concentration of 82.53Â µM The concentration at 7.22Â µM showed a relative E-cad mRNA level of approximately 0.4, this relative expression is 0.6 less than the controls relative expression, the relative expression of E-cad mRNA levels at 14.44Â µM equal to the relative expression of E-Cad mRNA at 7.22Â µM and 0.01 less than the relative expression of E-cad mRNA at 28.88Â µM. The concentration at 28.88Â µM, showed a relative E-cad mRNA level of approximately 0.41, which was 0.01 more than the expression at 7.22 Â µM and 14.44Â µM Figure C shows the level of staining of adhesion molecules At 24 hours the control showed the least amount of staining compared to the ART concentrations at 82.53Â µM, 165.06Â µM and 330.12Â µM. At a concentration of 82.53Â µM there is an increase in staining compared to the control but there is less staining compared to 165.06 and 330.12Â µM concentrations. At an ART concentration of 165.06 Â µM more staining is observed compared to the control and at 82.53 Â µM however less staining is observed compared to 330.12Â µM. At the final ART concentration 330.12 Â µM an increase in staining is observed compared to the control, 82.53Â µM, and 165.06Â µM. At 72 hours the control showed the most amount of staining compared to the ART concentrations at 7.22Â µM, 14.44Â µM and 28.88Â µM. At a concentration of 7.22Â µM there is a decrease in staining compared to the control but there is more staining compared to 14.44Â µM and 28.88Â µM concentration. At an ART concentration of 14.44Â µM less staining is observed compared to the control and at 82.53Â µM however more staining is observed compared to 28.88Â µM. At the final ART concentration 28.88Â µM a decrease in staining is observed compared to the control, 7.22Â µM and 14.44Â µM. Figure A and B show the relative VEGF-alpha and beta mRNA levels at different ART concentrations. Control: The control concentration showed the same relative mRNA levels for both VEGF- alpha and beta which was a level of 1. 7.22Â µM: the relative VEGF- alpha concentration was approximately 0.62, and the VEGF- beta concentration was 0.39, this means that at a concentration of 7.22Â µM, 0.23 Â µM more of VEGF-alpha mRNA levels is expressed compared to VEGF-beta mRNA levels. 14.44Â µM: the relative VEGF- alpha concentration was approximately 0.64, and the VEGF- beta concentration was 0.35, this means that at a concentration of 14.44Â µM, 0.19 Â µM more of VEGF-alpha mRNA levels is expressed compared to VEGF-beta mRNA levels. 28.88Â µM: the relative VEGF- alpha concentration was approximately 0.61, and the VEGF- beta concentration was 0.05, this means that at a concentration of 28.88Â µM, 0.56 Â µM more of VEGF-alpha mRNA levels is expressed compared to VEGF-beta mRNA levels. The control showed a relative survivin mRNA level of 2, an ART concentration of 7.22Â µM showed a mRNA survivin expression of approximately 4 which is 2 more than the control. At an ART concentration of 14.44 Â µM a relative mRNA expression of 13 is observed, an mRNA expression of 9 more than at 7.22 Â µM and 13 less than 28.88Â µM. At an ART concentration of 28.88Â µM a relative mRNA Survivin expression of 26 is observed, this level of expression is 13 more than at 14.44Â µM and 22 more than at 7.22Â µM. these results show that Survivin which is an inhibitor of apoptosis is inhibited over a 72 hour incubation period and a concentration of 7.22Â µM. The control showed a % cleaved caspase 3 level of 100, an ART concentration of 7.22Â µM relative to the control showed 300% cleaved caspase-3 level which is 200% more than the control. At an ART concentration of 14.44 Â µM a relative to the control 320% cleaved caspase-3 levels was observed, which is 20% more than at 7.22 Â µM and 5% less than 28.88Â µM. At an ART concentration of 28.88Â µM the percentage of cleaved caspase-3 relative to the control was 325%, this level of expression is 5% more than at 14.44Â µM and 25% more than at 7.22Â µM. 4. Discussion Jiang W et al experimented with Artesunate on osteosarcoma cells, Artesunate was combined with another compound called allicin, which was derived mainly from garlic. The aim of this experiment was to investigate the synergistic effects of the combined therapy. The results of this experiment showed a decrease in concentration of osteosarcoma cells, a decrease in invasion, motility, and the colony formation of these cells, this occurred due to an increase in Caspase3/9 expression when combined. In Prof Olivera’s experiment the methods only included Artesunate and the cleaved caspase activity were all similar at different concentrations, the difference in methodology is apparent because two compounds was used in Jiang W et al’s study while only one was used in Prof Oliviera’s study. Liu Y et al also used a combination therapy to investigate the cytotoxic effect, triptolide and Artesunate was used to inhibit the pancreatic cell line growth by inducing apoptosis, the experiment also showed a production of heat shock proteins which produce synergic effects. Similar to Prof Oliviera’s experiment Artesunate has a cytotoxic effect, however the similarity between these two experiments is that the combination therapy used in Liu Y et al and the single therapy used in Prof Oliviera’s study both were more effective in lower concentrations of Artesunate these allude to potential clinical applications. Dong HY et al experimented the effects of Artesunate on breast cancer using tumour transplanted nude mice, cyclophosphamide or normal saline was used in combination with Artesunate and the results showed ART inhibiting the growth of the MCF-7 cancer cells by arresting the cell cycle. In conclusion the findings of Prof Oliviera’s study is as follows: Over a longer incubation period a lower concentration of Artesunate is required to kill half of the cancer cells. Over 72 hours less Artesunate is reuired to reduce the relative mRNA levels. And less staining of adhesion molecules is observed over 72 hours as the concentration increases. ART over 72 hours has a greater effect on decreasing the expression of VEGF-beta compared to VEGF-alpha. Over 72 hours the higher the concentration of ART the increase in relative survivin mRNA levels. The percentage of cleaved caspase-3 levels relative to the control increases as the concentration of ART increases. References Dong HY et al, ‘Antitumour effects of Artesunate on human breast carcinoma MCF-7 cells and IGF-IR expression in nude mice xenografts’, 2014 Liu Y et al, ‘Synergism of cytotoxicity effects of triptolide and Artesunate combination treatment in pancreatic cancer cell lines’, 2013 Jiang W et al, ‘The synergistic anticancer effect of Artesunate combined with allicin in osteosarcoma cell line in vitro and in vivo’, 2013

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Wide Area Networks Essays -- Technology Computers Communication Essays

Wide Area Networks The creation of wide area networks links mass communication from people all over the world with a vast variety of different uses. â€Å"A wide area network is telecommunications networks covering a large geographic area.† The internet is the biggest example of a wide area network and has influenced our daily lives all around the world. Wide area networks are connected to local area networks to enable computers to share, send, and access information on a larger scale. These recent technologies over the past 20 years have affected the way we communicate, how businesses operate, and many other factors that we take for granted. Wide area networks are a fast growing telecommunications business which are developing new technologies to help people access information easier, faster with cheaper costs. Wide Area Networks and why, where, who, and how it important? â€Å"Wide area networks are used to connect local area networks together, so that users and computers in one location can communicate with users and computers in other locations. Many WANs are built for one particular organization and are private, others, built by Internet service providers provide connections from an organization’s LAN to the Internet.† WANs are usually built with leased lines from different telecommunications companies. At the end of these lines is a router which allows access and transmissions through these given lines. Through various telecommunications devices and services wide area networks are the leading technology in transmitting global information and communication. â€Å"The main purpose of a WAN is to provide reliable, fast and safe communication between two or more places with low delays and at low prices.† â€Å"WANs can be linke... ...nt to help influence the computer age into a bright, and much larger future. References Duley, CJ. WAN (2000) O’Brien, James A. (2004) Management Information Systems: Managing information technology in the business enterprise. Sixth Edition. McGraw Hill, Boston. Ploskina, Brian DNA Lends Hand to WANs,1759,1242507,00.asp?kc=EWNKT0209KTX1K0100440 August 28, 2001 Alliance Datacom: Wide Area Networks Documentation. (2002) Cisco Systems, Inc. Wikipedia: Wide Area Network. Wireless Wide Area Networking Technologies (2004).

Free Essays - Impatience and Disrespect in Oedipus the King (Rex) :: Oedipus the King Oedipus Rex

Impatience and Disrespect in Oedipus the King A bad attitude causes most fights between people. People showing disrespect by saying hurtful or crazy words without thinking them through upsets almost everyone. In the play, Oedipus the King, written by Sophocles, Oedipus was trying to find the murderer of his predecessor, King Laius. In doing so, Oedipus' impatience caused quarrels that brought out his paranoia and hot-temper. Oedipus' impatience was flagrant during his search for Laius' assassin. Oedipus threatened the citizens of Thebes, the city in which Oedipus ruled, to come forward if they knew anything about the murder of Laius. "I order you, every citizen of the state where I hold throne and power: banish this man-whoever he may be-never shelter him, never speak a word to him, never make him partner to your prayers, your victims burned to gods..."(172). Oedipus was impatient to find Laius, and in his impatience he had no toleration for citizens hiding the criminal, even though the criminal was himself. Later on, Oedipus called on Tiresias, a blind prophet, to help find Laius' killer. Oedipus was trying to force Tiresias to tell the story that Tiresias was hiding. "Nothing! You, you scum of the earth, you'd enrage a heart of stone! You won't talk? Nothing moves you? Out with it, once and for all!"(178). Oedipus was so impatient with Tiresias that he insulted and degraded Tiresias. After speaking with Tiresias, Oedipus had a contention with his wife's brother, Creon. Oedipus had proclaimed Creon the assassin of Laius and created the plot of Creon's supposed wrongdoing. Oedipus exclaimed, "Then leave me alone-get out!"(198). Oedipus would not accept any other idea than Creon being the killer, so when Creon tried to defend himself, Oedipus grew impatient and sent Creon away. Oedipus' impatience was the spark for his paranoia. Without his impatience, Oedipus would not have jumped to so many harsh, offensive, and paranoid conclusions. Oedipus' paranoia estranged him from people he was close to. One of the main examples of Oedipus' paranoia was the discussion he had with Tiresias. Oedipus came up with ideas in his head that Tiresias was more than what he seemed. "Oh I'll let loose, I have such fury in me-now I see it all.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Ess

â€Å"Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Dr. Strangelove or: How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb† is a movie that portrays the situation during the Cold War in comical fashion. The movie is about the United State’s attempt to recall the planes ordered by the paranoid General Ripper to attack the Soviet Union and essentially save the planet from destruction. Producer and director Stanley Kubrick, basing the movie on the novel Red Alert intended the movie to be a straightforward drama but was unable to without using crucial scenes of the story that seemed to give the movie a more comical view of the plot.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first scene of the movie is the mid-air refueling of a fighter plan, where the refueling is depicted as a sort of sexual intercourse. The movie then shifts over to Burpleson Air Force base where General Jack D. Ripper, played by Sterling Hayden, gives his planes flying over the USSR the order to attack. When President Merkin J. Muffley, one of three characters played by Peter Sellers, finds out about this, he calls a meeting with his advisors in the War Room of the Pentagon to discuss possible solutions to the problem. General â€Å"Buck† Turgidson, played by George C. Scott, is called to attend this meeting and arrives late. Also attending the meeting is Dr. Strangelove, played by Peter Sellers, a German scientist with a robotic arm that insists on rising in Nazi salute.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the meeting, the viewers find out...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Absolutism and Constitutionalism

1. Why did monarchs in the late 16th/early 17th centuries need new sources of income? Why did monarchs wish to get their income without the permission of the nobility? 2.Explain the role that each of the following played in the failure of England achieving absolutism, as well as the success of the French: England France  · Religion – Religion  · Parliament/Tradition – Estates General  · Personalities of Leaders – Personalities of Leaders  · Trust of Nobility – Trust of nobility 3. Henry IV came to the throne and helped to end the French Wars of Religion.After over 30 years of civil war, France was a wreck politically and economically. To set the stage for absolutism, he and his finance minister, the duke of Sully, needed to strengthen certain aspects of the nation and weaken others. Explain where the following fell into their plans, using the terms in parenthesis in your answer:  · power of nobility (parlements)  · increased money for crown (m onopolies)  · increased opportunity for economic success (canals, corvee) 4. After Henry IV’s assassination, his 9 year old son Louis XIII became king.Too young to rule, his mother named a brilliant official to serve as his regent. Explain how the following policies show the nature of Richelieu’s â€Å"raison d’etat†:  · Use of intendants  · Actions in the 30 Years War (1618-1648)  · Treatment of nobles  · Treatment of Huguenots 5. Describe the factors that led to the revolt (known as the Fronde) of the French nobility against the young Louis XIV and Cardinal Mazarin (1649-1652). What lesson did the Fronde teach Louis XIV? How did it help prepare the French people for absolutist rule?Helpful Hints for Reading this Section: o The first part of this reading provides an overview of the two systems of government that developed, and offers you hints as to why they developed as they did. Read this carefully so that many of the details listed in future sections will mean more to you. o There is a big difference between the English Parliament and the French parlements (note difference in spellings). The Parliament (-ia) historically had the ability to declare whether taxes were just (fair) or not, and so the kings/queens always had to go before Parliament whenever they needed money.Parliament, located in London, had the ability to make laws. French parlements (-e) were different in that there were many regional parlements as opposed to one central one, and they lacked the ability to make laws. Rather, the French parlements just had the authority to accept or refuse policies proposed by the monarchy. The French also had the Estates General to serve as its legislature, but it was a medieval creation that never really caught on among the French nobles. It could only meet when it was called into session by the king, and that was very rare (met once between 1618 and 1788).Chapter 13 – England 1. The Policy of Circumvention refer s to the various English kings’ efforts to go around, or circumvent, Parliament in their gathering of money for the crown. Explain how each of the following was an effort to raise or save money, and why it angered nobles/members of Parliament:  · impositions- These additional custom duties were seen as taxation on imports and exports by Parliament and as requiring parliamentary consent. They angered nobles and members of Parliament because they viewed it as taxation without consent. selling titles of nobility (think supply and demand– why would nobles feel like they each had less power if there were more nobles in the nation? )- people did anything they could to get a higher position so of course they would buy titles of nobility and since there were many nobles now, previous nobles felt less power because there weren’t as many â€Å"important† titles for everyone.  · James I’s role as peacemaker- 2. Summarize the many religious complaints that were raised against King James I. In defending the episcopacy, what did James mean when he retorted â€Å"No bishops, no king (pg. 452). – James viewed the proposal to replace bishops with presbyteries as an attempt to diminish his power in the church so he quoted that. 3. What actions led Parliament force Charles I to accept the Petition of Right? How would Charles I have attempted to defend himself and his actions? What freedoms did the Petition guarantee? -disputes between Parliament and King Charles I over the execution of the Thirty Years’ War, Parliament refused to grant subsidies to support the war effort, leading to Charles gathering â€Å"forced loans† without Parliamentary approval and arbitrarily imprisoning those who refused to pay.The Petition guaranteed restrictions on non-Parliamentary taxation, forced billeting of soldiers, imprisonment without cause, and restricts the use of martial law. 4. Why did Parliament not meet between 1629 and 1640? De scribe the circumstances that required their meeting in 1640. – The Triennial Act was intended to prevent kings from ruling without Parliament, as Charles had done between 1629-1640. The act required that Parliament meet for at least a fifty-day session once every three years. 5. Create a timeline using the following terms, explaining what each is and how the terms relate to one-another.  · Short Parliament Scottish Invasion  · Long Parliament’s New Laws (1640-41)  · Grand Remonstrance  · Invasion of Parliament (Roundhead/Cavaliers) 1639-1640 – Scottish Invasion= Breakdown of Charles's government of Scotland and two attempts to impose his will by force. Scots rose in 1639 against Charles' introduction of the English Prayer Book into Scotland, the anti-royalist London merchants encouraged the invading Scots to capture Newcastle. This they did in 1640, totally disrupting the export of coal. The Scottish army remained in Newcastle for a year and charged the Corporation a regular fee for billeting its troops. 640 – Short Parliament= sat from 13 April to 5 May 1640 during the reign of King Charles 1 of England and called â€Å"short† because it only lasted 3 weeks. He was forced to call the Short Parliament primarily to obtain money to finance his military struggle with Scotland in the Bishops’ War. -Long Parliament= established to pass financial bills. It received its name from the fact that through an Act of Parliament, it could be dissolved only with the agreement of the members and those members did not agree to its dissolution until after the English Civil War and at the end of interregnum in 1660. 641 -Grand Remonstrance= a list of grievances presented to King Charles I by English Parliament on 1 December 1641, but passed by the House of Commons on the 22nd of November 1641, during the Long Parliament; it was one of the chief events which were to precipitate the English Civil War. 1642-1651 -Invasion of Parlia ment (Roundhead/Cavaliers)= was a series of armed conflicts and political machinations between Parliamentarians (Roundheads) and Royalists (Cavaliers).The first (1642–46) and second (1648–49) civil wars pitted the supporters of King Charles I against the supporters of the Long Parliament, while the third war (1649–51) saw fighting between supporters of King Charles II and supporters of the Rump Parliament. The Civil War ended with the Parliamentary victory at the Battle of Worcester on 3 September 1651. 6. Explain how the â€Å"Rump Parliament† and, more appropriately, Oliver Cromwell, ruled England during the period between Charles I and Charles II. – ruled first England, and then Ireland and Scotland from 1649 to 1660.After the English Civil War and the execution of Charles I, the republic's existence was initially declared by â€Å"An Act declaring England to be a Commonwealth† adopted by the Rump Parliament, on 19 May 1649. The governmen t took the form of direct personal rule by Oliver Cromwell. Just before and after the execution of King Charles I on 30 January 1649, the Rump passed a number of acts of Parliament creating the legal basis for the republic. Helpful Hints for Reading this Section: o To help remember the order of the English monarchs, try to remember the â€Å"Cromwell Sandwich. As with any good sandwich, it is named after the meat, which goes in the middle. Surrounding the meat is usually CHeese. In the Cromwell Sandwich then, the buns equal James (James I on top, or first, and James II bottom, or last) and the CHeese equals CHarles (Charles I on top of the meat or first, and then Charles II below the meat or second). Thus the order goes Bun (James I), Cheese (Charles I), Meat (Oliver Cromwell), Cheese (Charles II), and Bun (James II). I don’t know, it helps me. : ) 1. Describe England under the Restoration of the Monarchy (what powers did King have?Religion? )- began in 1660 when the English , Scottish and Irish monarchies were all restored under Charles II. 2. Religion and the monarchy became an increasingly touchy subject in Restoration-era England. Discuss how the following acts/events display the conflict developing between monarch and Parliament:  · Clarendon Code= The Clarendon Code was a series of four legal statutes passed between 1661-1665 which effectively re-established the supremacy of the Anglican Church after the interlude of Cromwell's Commonwealth, and ended toleration for dissenting religions. Declaration of Indulgence= Charles II of England's attempt to extend religious liberty to Protestant nonconformists and Roman Catholics in his realms, by suspending the execution of the penal laws that punished recusants from the Church of England. Charles issued the Declaration on 15 March 1672.  · Test Act (note who this one was aimed at)= were a series of English penal laws that served as a religious test for public office and imposed various civil disabili ties on Roman Catholics and Nonconformists.The principle was that none but persons professing the Established Church were eligible for public employment, and the severe penalties pronounced against recusants, whether Catholic or Nonconformist, were affirmations of this principle. In practice nonconformists were often exempted from some of these laws through the regular passage of Acts of Indemnity 3. Both politics and religion played a large role in the forced removal of James II as King of England. Summarize the role of each, and note what served as the immediate cause of the Glorious Revolution. . Describe the political philosophy of John Locke found in his Two Treatises on Government. 5. How could one point to the Glorious Revolution and the English Bill of Rights as early successes for the history of Democracy? Helpful Hints for Reading this Section: o When trying to keep straight Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, think about what they stood for in regards to man’s â€Å"nat ural state. † Hobbes, who believed man was horrible, awful, wicked nasty and cruel, was a â€Å"Hater. † Thus, the first letter of his name and how he felt both match up (Hobbes; Hater).Locke, who said man was naturally good, was all about the Love. Thus, his name and beliefs are also connected by a first-letter principle (Locke; Love). Chapter 13 – France 1. Explain how the theory of Divine Right strengthened Louis XIV’s power as king. How did his saying â€Å"L’etat, c’est moi† reflect the teachings of Bishop Bossuet? – The Divine Right strengthened Louis XIV’s by saying that dictators, nobles, and parliament don’t have power over the people. â€Å"L’etat, c’est moi† means â€Å"I am state† reflected the teaching of Bishop Bossuet by saying God has the almighty power. 2.The Palace at Versailles is an integral part of Louis XIV’s strong reign. Answer the following with regard to life in Versailles:  · To â€Å"domesticate† something means to make it tame, or to train it to be useful to humans. In what ways did Louis XIV â€Å"domesticate the nobility? †  · Why did Louis XIV order nobles to follow such trivial social rules and elaborate social functions at Versailles? Louis ordered nobles to follow trivial social rules and elaborate social functions at Versailles because he wanted them to have less power, so they won’t be a threat to him. What types of people did Louis choose to head his government agencies? Why did he prefer to use them instead of the nobles, as was the case in other times and other countries? Louis XIV replaced the princes who had previously held positions as ministers with new aristocrats who feared him more. This gave Louis XIV, the King of France more power. 3. Explain the ways in which Jean-Baptiste Colbert made France’s economy superior to any other nations’ in the 17th century. How did the marqu is of Louvois dramatically increase the effectiveness of France’s military? 4.Louis XIV’s France became so powerful that no one nation could likely stand up and defeat the French. For that reason, Louis chose to involve himself in a series of wars that would eventually break his nation’s finances. Include each of Louis XIV’s war in a timeline that shows the following:  · Years fought  · Reasons for War  · How foreign nations worked to Balance out French power  · Outcomes of War 5. Why did Louis XIV feel it was necessary to revoke the Edict of Nantes? What impact did this move have on his nation? Huguenots as a threat to his power.Huguenots through his reign were hostile to the crown and launched revolts. The revocation of the Edict of Nantes caused large numbers of them to flee to other protestant countries and establish themselves there, weakening the French economy. 6. Explain why the War of Spanish Succession (and the subsequent Treaty of Utrec ht) makes a fitting culmination to a. the grand wishes of Louis XIV’s plans for domination of Europe, and; b. the principle of Balance of Power used to stop Louis XIV and contain French power 7. Consider Louis XIV’s Legacy. Create a list of positive and negative aspects of Louis XIV’s legacy.Then, create a thesis statement that evaluates the impact of Louis XIV on French history. Be sure your thesis 1) takes a side/has direction, and 2) does not simply list 3 things Louis did good and/or bad. o Intendants were government officials (royal civil servants,’ according to the text) in charge of oversight duties across all areas of French society. They were responsible for making sure that all tax money collected by regional tax officials went directly to the king (as opposed to some going to the collector’s pocket), and to oversee the training and discipline of the French military.They studied efficiency in production and carried their lessons to emergi ng French industries. Possibly the most important aspect of the intendants was the fact that they were not of strong noble birth. Richelieu and Louis XIV realized that using nobles to do the most important jobs of government ran counter to the idea of centralizing full power in the hands of the crown. For that reason, the intendants typically came from middle class backgrounds, people who did not possess large lands of their own. Thus, these peoples’ success in life was fully-dependent upon the king.If they became corrupt, another intendant would call them out and they would lose their job and what was likely their only chance to be very successful in life. This created an incredibly driven, obedient and loyal bureaucracy for the French kings. o During the Counter-Reformation, several different groups of Catholics came up with various ways they saw as correct in regards to Catholicism. The Jesuits were likely the most famous and most successful, as they traveled to every coas tline and set up schools and monasteries in most all prominent nations.One of the Jesuits’ key messages to people was, â€Å"we can help save you. † By this, the Jesuits promoted the fact that people who were Catholic could be guaranteed salvation, so long as they followed the 7 sacraments and did as their priest told them. Another group, the Jansenists, saw this as untrue. Much like Luther and Calvin, the Jansenists believed that there was nothing people could do on earth to guarantee their salvation. They still believed in following all 7 of the Sacraments and other areas of Catholic doctrine, but they said that getting into heaven had to be a â€Å"gift† of God’s grace.A big religious dispute broke out within the Catholic church, and the influential Jesuits led an out-cry of opposition against the Jansenists. The point the text is trying to make with the Jansenists is that their group offered a form of Catholicism that included aspects of many Protesta nt religions (role of faith/grace as gift for salvation etc. ), which potentially could have kept French Huguenots (French Protestants) within the Catholic faith and kept them within France. When Louis XIV outlawed Jansenists, he made legal only the strongly anti-Protestant Jesuit Catholics, who began pushing for strong laws against Protestants.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Policy Analysis The Proposition Economics Essay

Since the constitution of the present-day(prenominal) social security constitution in worldwide, the mer bungholetile establishment of support form _or_ scheme of judicature be save being discussed by the humankind assist insurance bookmans. In the summons of indemnity insurance insurance indemnity correct, to be purely, the proposition of tellurian subvention policy emergence dirty dog be divided into two classs, genius is subsidy privatization the new(prenominal)wise maven is pay-as-you-go way of life. These two waies argon calming taking the terrestrial grant tidy.Presently, as the built up of the sublunary presidency utensil and establishments in the universe, it facilitates the preparation and execution too as national co-operation of social policy in a globalized percentage point, therefore, it is a situation that international governmental organisations ar contend a preponderant run short in the nomadic policy respiration. Ho wever, in the subsidy policy dimension, the demographic readjustment is taging commit impact on the development of coming(prenominal) mundane gift policy. In the theater of operations of the temperamental award chat, the initiation closed ch ain and ILO are the two or so preponderating international governmental organisations, which ache addle bitant influence on the bounty policy airing in legion(predicate) renders and mess ab unwraps in the worldwide, as yet, confronting the demographic hazard, the globe avow and ILO presented a contrast reaction and attack in sure social award off reform sever eithery. Therefore, a policy analysis of the reality cashbox and ILO s policy propositions in the plain stitch of allowance issue makes a important guardianship for us to construe the hereafter fickle bonus policy developmentIn footings of the this state of affairs, this article go for on a policy analysis of mobile tribute discourse through analysi ng antithetical policy propositions between the beingness stick and the ILO in mercurial indemnity off off policy. to a greater extent item, there are triplet principal(prenominal) emotional states of this policy analysis, fore well-nigh, it shag assist us to understand how world-wide policy histrions make important impact on contrasting states or branchs in a globalized degree secondly, it requires at giving an verifiable rating of the land entrust and ILO s ain indemnity policy propositions thirdly, it promotes us to have got a nonsubjective supposition ab pop prohibited the hereafter peregrine indemnity policy reform when we are confronting the inescapable demographic alteration.Denationalization or Pay-As-You-Go?There is no un trustworthyty that the mesh bank building and ILO akin(predicate)ly made an tremendous crock up to the development of modern terrestrial indemnity off carcass. However, their political boss note in subvention policy disc oure is whether we should the denationalise pension fund? For the orb buzzword, it points come out of the closet that it is necessary for us to privatise pension carcass as the demographic crisis nevertheless, the ILO indicates that tax-financed and pay-as-you-go attack dodging slew be continue to implemented although the demographic alteration is a possible hazard element out to destruct the current pension trunk.1.1The reality avow s Critique of the Pay-As-You-Go SystemThe universe of discourse bank criticizes the dominant domain backb whizz pension system is non an cheap and sustainable attack when we are confronting the rapid demographic alteration.The basic premiss of the World border policy-marking is for the sparing change magnitude ( Orenstein, 2008 ) . This neo-liberalism brief determines that the World beach confirms the positive impact of mystic commercialise on bettering people s wellbeings. Hence, in the depicted object of pension policy-ma rkingithe World Bank pays attending to whether the pension policy chamberpot receive to an effectual stinting growing furthermore the World unbending implicitly convinces that pension benefiters pension demands rat be comfortable by the privatisation.Furthermore, it emphasizes the drawbacks of pay-as-you-go pension system are exposed solely as the demographic passage. First, confronting the demographic alteration, it toilet non supply sustainable and effectual ope sum up for pension donees any more. On the one manus, this unexclusive funding stylus is austere to avoid the generational pension debt Ervik ( p.36 ) accentuate that Present coevalss therefore have an unverbalised debt towards future coevalss. It hobo be pass judgment that the social pension demand go forth be increased as the drop-off of the birth rate and decease rate and the addition of the old people life story anticipation. So if we do non specify a state s let out degree for current pensi on donees or do non increase the revenue enhancement enhancement, the fiscal debt go forth be worse one the former(a) manus, the universe funding system are taging a side-effect on the toffee-nosed market.he World Bank overly points out that pay-as-you-go pension system fold the economic system growing. As mentioned previouslyithe World Bank maintains that we fucking non tidy sum more growing as the pay-as-you-go system crowd out a host of in-person near testis and some wellness investing. It makes us to miss the opportunity to develop the neat market.These are the chief cubic yard why the World Bank criticizes that pay-as-you-go public backbone system is non a sustainable and low-cost attack. consequently, for buzz offing a sustainable consequence for a gigantic-run, it motivates the World Bank to set almost pension policy reform.1.2The World Bank s reward Reform Multi-pillar Pension SystemDue to the quickly demographic crisis and the mature of the public pe nsion strategy, in a think over by the World Bank ( 2005 ) present that traveling to a multi-pillar pension manakin was an effectual and sustainable theoretical consider on give outing the emergent transmission lines. So the multi-pillar pension system is play a cardinal blend in the World Bank s pension policy reform. In this sectionithere will be a reading and rating well-nigh the multi-pillar pension place.Harmonizing to the World Bank s position, there are ternion pillars constitute of the multi-pillar pension conceptual model ( World Bank, 2008 ) . In this conceptual model, financing methods and social risk-resistant are variant in several(predicate) pillars. The first base one is public pillar, which is unequivocal and each eligible work mustiness take portion in it, scarce participators merely afford be part and this pillar will provider defined and minimum supports for old age donees, such(prenominal) as poorness. The 2nd 1 is the individual(prenominal) preservation programme, this program is too haughty, and participators give the bounce pull off their ain economy, nevertheless, their personal nestle nut are correct by private sectors, their private economy will be managed and invested into private detonator market. Therefore, the World Bank pointed out that the personal economy program is an effectual manner to develop the capital economic system and old age donees cease observe bigger public tending portion in the terminal. As the World Bank policy study ( 1994, p.208 ) stated The compulsory salvaging pillar can be of import for increasing gigantic term economy, hurrying uping capital market development, hiking investing in productive capital and proctor bodily public presentation. The 3rd pillar is freewill program, this pillar providers us unlike pension programs, participators can choose these pension program harmonizing to if they expect more demand or which sort of specify need they want to acquire. Har monizing to the Esping-Andersen s public tending government typology ( Andersen, 1990 ) , this multi-pillar construct model appoints a ordinary public service redistri exclusivelyion attack with the characters of neo-liberalism government, on one manus, the multi-pillar pension system indicated that the administration should take limited public care duties in the pension system on the other manus, it represented the critical turn tail of private market in the pension reform.It can be state that the multi-pillar model is an effectual manner to get by with the demographic crisis. First, it is apparent that the defined part from pension remunerators can relief government s financial force per unit area in a long term 2nd, the cost-related funding method is present an equal intervention for each pension remunerator, because pension remunerators current parts are for their ain retreat benefits alternatively of current old age pension benefices. Third, it can be low-cost by m ost of current workers, as the multi-pillar pension system is more flexible, different funding method and salvaging programs can accommodate to persons economic mightiness and satisfy with persons different demands. Fourth, the multi-pillar system gives chance for developing the capital market. In short, for the long position, we can non deny that donees can obtain much more lasting public assistance portions from a flourishing economic system.1.3 The ILO s policy Response hideaway Age ExtensionConfronting the quickly demographic alteration, set abouting a societal pension reform has been strongly agreed by the World Bank. However, the ILO holds a contrastive attitude The ILO has proceed to endorse reform of pay-as-you-go pension system as the best manner frontwards for most states. as Yeates said ( 2008, p.220 ) . Furthermore, the grounds why the ILO is nevertheless take a firm standing on a contrasting attitude in the wandering pension policy reform likewise can be rec ognized from its ain attitude towards to demographic alteration and panoptic capital markets.Governments duty is strengthened by the ILO in the public assistance policy-marking. The ILO is aim at developing nice work and constructing a list of common lying-in criterion, this purpose can be taken from the ILO s positive histrion in the procedure of MDG, the ILO s MDG ( Millennium culture Goals ) docket and even post-2015 docket ( ILO, 2012 ) pointed out that nice work and effectual breastplate are the basic attacks to work out poorness and hungriness. So in footings of this position, it can be recognized that the ILO strongly advocates to railroad siding societal protection by regimes investings. In footings of the ILO s basic premiss, it is impossible for the ILO to set about a pension denationalization, because the pension denationalization manner that the ability of the societal protection system s risk-resistant is reduced. Furthermore, the ILO in any event confirms th at demographic hazard is an inexplicit factor to destruct the pay-as-you-go pension system, and it can convey to the serious financial vitiate for the remunerators and administration, but we can work out the job through improve employment heterosexual alternatively of set abouting a pension denationalization reform. The ILO points out that the extension of seclusion age is the most effectual method to work out the pension jobs which is brought by aging society, such as the authorities s financial and administrative load and current pension remunerators increasing revenue enhancement ( Erik,2005 ) . Hence, signifier these points of position it can be constituted that the pension denationalization reform will take to trio chief negative effects. First, it is weakening single(a) s ability of supporting markets hazard, The intent of public assistance de-commercialization is aimed at bettering persons ability of market risk-resistant ( Andersen,1990 ) , but the diminution of so cietal security s de-commercialization grade makes a side consequence on the state of matter s public assistance system construction evidently. Second, as the denationalization pension lack the character of risk-pooling, so pension remunerators have to bear the effect of positivist impairment loss by the market hazard separately. For case, the pension denationalization reform has halted due to the recent planetary midweekly fiscal crisis ( Orenstein, 2011 ) . Third, the serious financial shortages have as well spread across some(prenominal) states in the procedure of pension reform, which in any event shows that the inexplicit authorities s debt crisis can non be eradicated by the pension denationalization reform. Hence, it anyhow can be revea guide that the pension denationalization also has many constitutive(a) advantages.2. Who is the Winner, the World Bank or ILO?In the survey by Orenstein ( 2004 ) indicated that the ILO s pension policy proposition was play a prima his trion during 1940s. It can be interpreted that the pay-as-you-go pension strategy was satisfied with the post-war states strong demand of obtaining a stable state of affairs from economic system development in a globalized degree. On one manus, the constitution of Pay-As-You-Go state pension system in worldwide could increase authoritiess duties and represented the authoritiess advantages of resource co-ordination in the field of societal security, it helped many states to work out different post-war societal jobs and enhanced societal stableness on the other manus, the pay-as-you-go state pension manner had protected post-war workers rights and led to the economic system recovery and societal reproduction efficaciously and expeditiously. Therefore, ILO s pay-as-you-Go manner was still playing a dominant function in the development of planetary societal pension during the period of the post-World struggle II.However, temporarily, it is a fact that the World Bank is replacing t he ILO to play a dominant function in taking the procedure of planetary pension policy. Harmonizing to the survey by Yeats ( 2008 ) , since early 1990s, more than 30 states in the universe have participated into the pension denationalization reform which is influenced by the World Bank. Hence, it can be said that the untested-liberalism and privatized signifier are taking the planetary pension reform. Hence, organize a historical position, as a planetary policy histrion, the World Bank obtained an outstanding success in different planetary pension reform phrase.Nowadays, it can be said that Work Bank s multi-pillar manner is the victor in this argument. Howeveriit does non intend that multi-pillar pension manner is non flawed. At the same clip, the ILO is get cut downing to consider the pay-as-you-go pension manner. Its pension reconsideration in like manner make sense to the planetary pension policy strongly.3. The ILO s Pension Policy Rethink and DevelopmentConfronting the Wor k Bank s multi-pillar manner reform is continuing successfully by many states in the universe. The ILO s began to think the Pay-As-You-Go pension policy. Its reconsideration in any event make sense to the development of the pension reform. First, In footings of the demographic passage, the ILO Independent military rating Report ( ILO, 2010 ) strengthened a four-tiered pension scheme to widen the societal security, this impertinent pension system s maps is authentically similar with the Word Bank s multi-pillar system. However, it besides has its ain alone features, for the first tire, it is a national mandatary pay-as-you-go system, nevertheless it is a sort of means-tested province pension which is focal point on the unprotected group and low-income group the 2nd tyre besides is a compulsory pension which is based on personal revenue enhancement and pay-as-you-go funding, but the personal part is defined and limited. The 3rd tyre is the private nest eggs strategy the nest eg gs is capitalized and self-regulated the 4th grade is the spontaneous program, people can take part into different sorts of personal nest eggs program or informal public assistance program harmonizing to their ain certain demands. The design of the new four-tier pension system by the ILO demonstrates that the organisation bit by bit realized that of import function of denationalization in the context of globalisation, it besides confirms that defined private nest eggs is playing a necessary portion in the personal pension program. This new attitude demonstrates that the ILO s recognitions that pension donees rig benefits can take to the unsustainable development of the pay-as-you-go societal insurance strategy. But it should be paying attending that the pay-as-you-go funding manner and the discover of societal redistribution are still pathetic a dominant place in the ILO s four-tiered system, diametricly, the function of denationalization is still in a weak. This is the chief variance between the World Bank s multi-pillar system and the ILO s four-tiered system. In add-on, the ILO started to rethink the construction of societal insurance, the ILO argued that the grounds why the pay-as-you-go funding manner is failed in the pension argument is because the high reporting of pension strategy. As Bob Deacon ( 2007, p.66 ) said Pay-as-you-go pensions had experience a privileged start-off of income in old age and the strategies had become a beginning of unfairness. The World companionable Security Report by ILO ( 2010ip.53 ) besides stressed Incomplete pension coverage is a widespread phenomenoniit is seen non merely in developing countriesibut in industrialised states. Thus the ILO requires to widening the societal security system, it means that, on one manus, the current societal insurance system should cut down the resource compound grade of retirement pension on the other manus, other societal sectors and classs which have been neglected for a l ong clip by the authorities should be covered in the societal insurance system.The ILO s pensions rethink besides makes an apparent part to the development of the planetary pension policy. On one manus, the argument of pension reform is non limited to discourse the high quality and pertinence of different pension manners. More significantly, rules of societal honor and societal rights are being highly considered into the policy-making of current pensions strategies. All in all, its new policy position makes a important influence on the redistribution of planetary societal security resources and enriches future planetary pension development.4. Pension Policy spreading and Integration CampaignThe last portion principally analyzed the divergency between the Work Bank and the ILO in the field of planetary pension policy. Although, in general, they hold an opposite attitude in the statement of the planetary pension denationalization reform, as a planetary policy histrion, the Work Ban k and ILO have many similarities in the field of planetary pension policy airing and administration. First, the incorporate run is besides playing a dominant function in the spread of their pension policies severally in add-on, they are besides run intoing similar challenges in the procedure of planetary administration of pension policy.First, they besides do non hold formal power to coerce their givers to carry through their ain policy. Therefore, the maps of indirect integrate runs become really of import for them. Harmonizing to Jacoby s ( 2004 ) categorization, inspiration, subsidy and partnership are most often used by planetary policy histrions into diffuse their ain policies. For case, the ILO ( 2010 ) has conducted an desegregation run to develop current pension strategies and extend the societal security system. These three schemes besides be used in this integrating run, similar attacks are follow by the World Bank in the procedure of its pension denationalization ref orm. that the integrating run is the dominant attack for planetary scattering by the Work Bank and ILO.In add-on, the World Bank and ILO besides encounter with the same challenges in the run. First, world(a) histrions policies can conflict with certain public assistance governments. Harmonizing to Esping Andersen s ( 1990 ) public assistance government typology, current public assistance governments can be divided into three conflicting governments. As sort of neo-liberalism public assistance manner, pension denationalization can be hard to be legitimate by conservative governments public assistance provinces obviously the World Bank and ILO s policy integrating runs can non be really effectual in land politic states. For the democracy states, policy issues must be discussed and decided through pop politic mechanism, so it can be a possible obstruction to impede the procedure of planetary policy diffusion.5. In decisionThrough the pension policy analysis, foremost, it can be realized that the World Bank and ILO represent wholly opposite advocations in the planetary pension policy, nevertheless, their ain pension positions besides be profoundly influenced by two factors, one is their different organisation beliefs and rules, other one is their several understand to the current demographic passage, at the same clip, it should be recognized that planetary histrion s policy would non be invariable all the clip, in contrast, histrions are go oning to rethink if their ain policy can be adapted to the altering universe secondly, the integrating run is playing an critical function in planetary pension policy diffusion byThird, planetary policy histrions are meeting the similar planetary challenges. Hence, it is necessary for different international governmental organisations to strength common duologues with each other in the field of policy issues and diffusion methods.( Wordss 3100 )